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Angel’s Story

Angel, a seventh grader at a Los Angeles middle school, had been “jumped” into a gang and was getting into trouble. Through Diplomas Now, he joined a boys’ motivational group and talked to ex-gang members froma local community-based organization about handling peer pressure, avoiding gangs and setting goals. Today, Angel has come a long way. He has learned to navigate social settings, has assumed leadership roles at school, is doing much better academically and aspires to be a good example for his younger siblings.

Benjamin’s Story

Seventh grader Benjamin first came to the attention of Diplomas Now through the biweekly meetings that identify struggling students early. He was having a hard time because his mom didn’t live with him and he was attending a new school. Bullies picked on him. A Diplomas Now “near peer” coach noticed that Benjamin was cutting himself. The boy was provided with one-on-one counseling, tutoring and mentoring. He participated in events and field trips and was chosen to be a part of a young heroes program. By the end of sixth grade, Benjamin was much more confident, had assumed leadership roles and was improving his grades. He no longer cuts himself.